Space invaders.

When I was a small child, Mum and Dad had a little Austin Ruby car. They loved it. Dad had trained as an aircraft fitter during the war, and now worked for a large diesel engine manufacturer. It was no problem for him to maintain the car and it gave us all real flexibility. I always sat in the back, of course. That meant I sometimes had to share the back seat with various of Mum and Dad’s friends who came on outings with us.

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The sensory challenges of festival time

It’s summer music festival time again. Here on the Isle of Wight we’ve had our own annual event which brings an additional 50,000+ people to the Island. We live in one of the ferry ports, and our road is on the turning circuit for the fleet of buses that carry incoming festival-goers to the site. In a way, I enjoy the festival feeling, but you’ll never find me there, and the reasons are mainly sensory.

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