What are you doing at the weekend?

It was a Summer Sunday morning in Brighton, our home city at the time. Soon I would need to get my head into gear for another long week, but before I did, I was looking forward to a peaceful day. We both had long commutes and needed some headspace. Maybe we’d go to a favourite garden for a wander. Or we could walk down to the seafront, mingle with the tourists and laugh at the gulls hovering overhead, waiting to steal a chip or a sandwich from the unwary. Before we had chance to decide, the phone rang.

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Cheer up love!

Like many autistic women, my resting face isn’t naturally smiley. I’d call it neutral, but some people make judgements. One morning, I was walking home with a bag full of lovely local produce for lunch and dinner, enjoying the sunshine and in my own little world. I saw a man up a ladder, cleaning windows, and was about to say good morning to him when he shouted, “cheer up love! It can’t possibly be as bad as that!”

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