It was a Summer Sunday morning in Brighton, our home city at the time. Soon I would need to get my head into gear for another long week, but before I did, I was looking forward to a peaceful day. We both had long commutes and needed some headspace. Maybe we’d go to a favourite garden for a wander. Or we could walk down to the seafront, mingle with the tourists and laugh at the gulls hovering overhead, waiting to steal a chip or a sandwich from the unwary. Before we had chance to decide, the phone rang.
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When no-one is watching…
Not so long ago, a world leader was seeking re-election and was in some difficulty with his party. Following his poor performance in a debate, his supporters and detractors were watching nervously for every little slip, every mistake. Each time he made another gaffe, the world’s media amplified it, picking it over seemingly for days. Eventually, he stepped aside. This may seem a long way from the more mundane performance demands we all face, but it set me thinking.
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