It’s good to see you here! I’m Ann Lewis, a retired coach and former HR professional based on the beautiful Isle of Wight in the UK. Just before my 70th birthday, after several years of deep diving into the literature and a formal assessment, I received confirmation that I’m one of thousands of autistic women and girls who have flown under the radar all our lives, feeling we don’t quite fit, and that other people seem to know a set of rules that have never been shared with us.
Like many of my autistic sisters, I’ve had the privilege of two professional careers, some wonderful opportunities, a comfortable home and loving friends and family. This all comes with a price tag including anxiety, social awkwardness, sensory sensitivities – to light and noise especially – and auditory processing problems. I’ve masked heavily throughout my adult years to the extent that I’m not sure where the mask ends and I begin. Join me in an exploration of this new territory.